The core activity of the company "1520 Signal" is the implementation of proven EBI Lock 950 Computer-Based Interlocking (CBI) systems on the 1520 mm gauge railways. "1520 Signal" is a modern and fast developing company that was established in 1996. It has been a part of the 1520 Group of Companies since 2018.
Today the company has successfully implemented state-of-the-art interlocking systems at over 400 stations in Russia and beyond, controlling more than 9,500 points, 1,750 km of automatic line blocks and 500 km of lines equipped with RBTC solutions that is almost a half of all the stations equipped with computer based interlocking systems within JSC RZD infrastructure.
Beyond the Russian Federation, projects in 11 countries have already been implemented or are currently ongoing, for example in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Serbia, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. The systems supplied by "1520 Signal" has proven its efficiency and reliability on the busiest key sections of the railways (transportation hubs, high speed lines, Moscow Central Circle), as well as on the sections that require low-maintenance (Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) and under tough weather conditions in the North (-56°C, Berkakit-Tommot line, Yakutia).
Currently "1520 Signal" is the leader in the Russia market of automatic train control systems by volume. The use of advanced foreign technologies put at the service of the Russia railways was the aim of establishing a joint venture. Having access to foreign innovative technologies and the vast experience in the area of development and implementation of state-of-art train control systems, the Company is the center of competences in Russia today. Such unique solutions as the complex RBTC system based on a radio channel and the complex cybersecurity system have no analogs and are beyond competition today.
The whole lifecycle of works ranges from design, development, assembly, to shipping to the site, test and commissioning works and up to the subsequent maintenance of the systems during the whole life cycle Is executed by the workforce of more than 200 highly qualified specialists. The company's production process was one of the first in Russia to be certified by IRIS standards.
Maintenance of Computer-Based interlocking (CBI) systems is carried out during the whole life cycle. There is a 24-hour technical support service and a network of regional service centers in 10 cities of the Russia Federation: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Chita, and Khabarovsk. The service centers have only highly skilled professionals at their disposal who annually attend training and internship at the headquarters of the company.
Taking into consideration customers' long-term interests, the company specialists find fresh solutions for such critical issues as safety and reliability, cost reduction across the produce life cycle, complex lighting protection, training of personnel of the railways, service, cybersecurity and increase in capacity of the railways. "1520 Signal" Company has at their disposal not only technologies for the main-line railways, but also for the variety of rail transportation systems ranging from industrial railways to underground lines.
Nowadays the implementation scope of "1520 signal" requires considering only long-term interests. The specialists of our company have organized classes, courses and programs, placed equipment for trainings on the railways, at universities and colleges with the aim of sharing expertise with local specialists: electrical engineers, operators and, of course, students who are engineers of the future, for the homologation of implemented technologies and in order to facilitate the educational process of highly-skilled specialists, who, as a result, will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the modern systems.